In order to memorize the knowledge better, I would choose to go to some sci-fi YouTube channels and watch the videos. Some of the videos correspond to what is taught in school, but some of them don’t correspond exactly to each other. I usually have more curiosity and questions about what I didn’t learn in class, so I would choose to leave a friendly comment below the video and hopefully get a response from the instructor or an answer from another learner who understands. Another important reason I chose YouTube is that it has the widest range of course types that I have found so far. You can find almost any type of course you want to learn on YouTube. And underneath every video, you can basically see the instructor or learners commenting on each other and answering the questions asked by the person who asked the question. At the same time, because YouTube does not require real-name authentication, it also protects my privacy. And what I’ve generally seen is that people are very friendly and don’t use bad language just because it’s on the internet.

I was afraid to discuss cause with my classmates before I took this class, but after continuing to learn, I now believe that discussion is very necessary. Sometimes I may forget some details, and by discussing with my classmates, most of the time I can combine the knowledge of two people to make my knowledge more saturated. Now, if there is a discussion session, I will try my best to force myself to participate and share my own point of view, no longer afraid that others will deny my point of view. At the same time, I make sure that what I say or type is friendly. Whether I am emotional or not, I will make sure that what I express is kind. When someone replies to my comment, I will always reply again as soon as possible, whether it is to say thank you or to continue the discussion. I feel that responding in a timely manner gives people the impression that I care.

I think I can make it a point to respond to every message in a timely manner to make sure everyone can feel supported. I think that’s something I feel is important when I think about it differently. My biggest fear after leaving a message is that people will think my message is stupid so no one will reply to me. So when I came to create PLN, I made sure to reply to everyone equally, even if it was just a very basic question. I will also actively share and discuss with people who have the same hobby. For people who have the same hobby, they may have more to talk about and love to talk together.

My long-term goal is to be able to keep responding and interacting positively all the time. In general, people are affordably tired, so there is a need to keep providing fresh content. I’ll make sure I try to be able to add some interesting videos to share with each piece of content. The only major thing that needs to be done with these funny videos is the citation aspect to make sure that there is no copyright infringement. The majority of these video shares will be related to the course content, while a few will be purely funny video shares when I think people are getting a little tired, maybe funny videos of critters. This will ensure that people don’t get aesthetic fatigue from studying for a long period of time.