Author: yoki1226

Blog #5

In order to memorize the knowledge better, I would choose to go to some sci-fi YouTube channels and watch the videos. Some of the videos correspond to what is taught in school, but some of them don’t correspond exactly to each other. I usually have more curiosity and questions about what I didn’t learn in class, so I would choose to leave a friendly comment below the video and hopefully get a response from the instructor or an answer from another learner who understands. Another important reason I chose YouTube is that it has the widest range of course types that I have found so far. You can find almost any type of course you want to learn on YouTube. And underneath every video, you can basically see the instructor or learners commenting on each other and answering the questions asked by the person who asked the question. At the same time, because YouTube does not require real-name authentication, it also protects my privacy. And what I’ve generally seen is that people are very friendly and don’t use bad language just because it’s on the internet.

I was afraid to discuss cause with my classmates before I took this class, but after continuing to learn, I now believe that discussion is very necessary. Sometimes I may forget some details, and by discussing with my classmates, most of the time I can combine the knowledge of two people to make my knowledge more saturated. Now, if there is a discussion session, I will try my best to force myself to participate and share my own point of view, no longer afraid that others will deny my point of view. At the same time, I make sure that what I say or type is friendly. Whether I am emotional or not, I will make sure that what I express is kind. When someone replies to my comment, I will always reply again as soon as possible, whether it is to say thank you or to continue the discussion. I feel that responding in a timely manner gives people the impression that I care.

I think I can make it a point to respond to every message in a timely manner to make sure everyone can feel supported. I think that’s something I feel is important when I think about it differently. My biggest fear after leaving a message is that people will think my message is stupid so no one will reply to me. So when I came to create PLN, I made sure to reply to everyone equally, even if it was just a very basic question. I will also actively share and discuss with people who have the same hobby. For people who have the same hobby, they may have more to talk about and love to talk together.

My long-term goal is to be able to keep responding and interacting positively all the time. In general, people are affordably tired, so there is a need to keep providing fresh content. I’ll make sure I try to be able to add some interesting videos to share with each piece of content. The only major thing that needs to be done with these funny videos is the citation aspect to make sure that there is no copyright infringement. The majority of these video shares will be related to the course content, while a few will be purely funny video shares when I think people are getting a little tired, maybe funny videos of critters. This will ensure that people don’t get aesthetic fatigue from studying for a long period of time.

Blog #4

Because more and more platforms are emerging to make learning easier and more popular. You can learn more without even realizing it. In the early days of Tik Tok, the videos I could see were more cute mid-day sharing or interesting personal lives. In recent years, more and more people have started to make interesting scientific discoveries. For example, I often see a blogger who plays a historical figure giving some classic historical stories. What’s interesting about this kind of video is that because the blogger is dressed as a historical figure, it gives the viewer a better sense of immersion and a greater willingness to watch.

In order to ensure that PLNs are diverse, they need to be thought of from multiple perspectives. To achieve multiple perspectives, one needs to bring oneself into the different perspectives and be appropriately self-critical and annoying. It is also necessary to accept suggestions from others with different perspectives. For example, one could ask a friend to help look at it before posting it for any other suggestions or additions. Talk to your friends about the content of the topic you want to publish. You can also learn from other people’s ways of thinking about things from multiple perspectives by looking at their postings more often, but it is important to note that if you want to use the same approach after you learn it, you need to mark it in advance rather than just stealing it from someone else.

A variety of different platforms have their own characteristics. For example, most of YouTube’s videos are longer.Instagram is mostly about sharing photos of everyday life. The different features of each platform also better diversify the purposes for which people use the different platforms. For example, if I want to watch some science videos while I’m eating, I’ll most likely choose YouTube to watch them. This is because most of the videos in it are longer, just long enough for me to finish my meal. At this time, I will definitely not choose to open Tik Tok because then it will require me to keep swiping my finger to switch to a different video to watch while eating. This would be very distracting from my meal. When I want to watch videos for entertainment during the short break in the middle of studying for my exams, I will most likely open Tik Tok or Instagram to watch them. At such times, I need shorter videos so that I can easily finish watching a video and continue to revise at any time. If I watch a long video at this time, it may make me keep wanting to finish the long video before I start reviewing, causing me to keep procrastinating.

To make PLN more inclusive, I think the biggest difficulty for me is keeping everyone happy. Since everyone has their own opinion, I think I can try to include as many perspectives as possible, but there will always be areas that are not included. That’s what I think is the hardest part of making PLN inclusive. But I’ll still try my best to do it. In the meantime, I will be active in answering and responding to enhance interactivity, regardless of the platform used.

Blog #3

My research focused on an educational video account. Inside this account are mainly explanations and interactions on various subjects and topics. It contains professors of math, science, literature, and various other subjects. YouTube was the first thing that came to mind when I started this research, so this video account that I researched was also on YouTube.After I watched a few of the videos, I became more interested in what was being explained in them, and it helped me to better understand what was going on in them. There are a lot of interesting examples from life that are used to explain this video account. This can make the more tiring educational content more interesting and less resistant to students.

I also chose to use YouTube as a platform when I was doing my own PLN. The reason I chose this platform is because I feel that it allows me to interact with other people by way of messages. The way the messages are left allows for a more flexible interaction. People can leave messages anytime, anywhere, and it’s easier for me to respond to everyone’s messages. Also, people can see each other’s batch of messages, which can also enhance the interaction between people. At the same time, this approach can also relatively reduce the pressure on the lecturer because some people will answer the questions that they can see, so the lecturer does not need to reply and answer every question.

My personal goal on this platform is to make this account an operating number, which is the same goal and reason why I started. The professional goal, on the other hand, is to communicate better the content that is useful or that I want to communicate. I believe that a video account should have a unified content philosophy. For example, if it’s an account that documents life, it should focus most of its video content on videos that document life. Some interesting content can be added to it, such as adding some other videos that read interesting comments and answer them, so that more people can enjoy the blogger’s video content because of the blogger’s personality.

One of the reasons I chose the YouTube platform to lead is also because it is a platform where privacy can be well protected. In video content, one can wear special effects to avoid being clearly seen in the face and to avoid being recognized through the face by people who have an agenda. And you cannot use your real name as the name of the video channel. And some interesting names can be made for more people to recognize and remember. But it can’t be about what is said just because no one will recognize it without showing their face. One should always be aware that it is still important to follow ethical concepts. Because of these settings that can protect personal privacy, it also makes me more willing to use the YouTube platform.

Blog 2

I consider my digital identity to be a summary of all the information I have on the internet. It includes information about who I am and all aspects of me. This information may include my birthday and my gender. My digital identity also includes everything I do online. For example, my personality online. This personality may be different from my real-life personality, so my online personality is part of my digital identity.

Because the Internet is so advanced nowadays, it is inevitable that some bad people will snoop on other people’s private information on the Internet. For me personally, I would avoid some personal information, such as my address or name. There are many people who choose to use their real name as their Internet name. But I think this is also risky behaviour and may expose privacy. If some people want to find the person by their real name, there are still many channels and ways to find them, so it can also expose privacy. Including the use of my own photo as an avatar is something I generally don’t use.

To maintain a professional identity, you need to make sure that your profile is authentic, and the biggest difference between a professional identity and a digital identity is that they are not used in the same way. In the case of digital identity, we are only defining the information and speaking style of the public network, but professional identity is also called professional because it also includes professionalism and expertise. Personally, I still use my real name on some school websites or study websites because it is easier for teachers to find and recognize me. In general, internet security is stronger and safer on professional websites. Maybe for those who need information, personal information on this kind of specialized website is not meaningful to them.

The biggest difference between personal and professional web use is the authentication and use of personal information. In personal network use, I may not say I’m a student or in a profession, but in professional networks, it’s obvious that my profession is a student. Most of the professional networks I use are also school related, such as Brightspace and Zoom.Generally, the personal social media I use is to share my life or watch funny videos, but the professional social media is basically about dealing with school matters.

The challenge for me in using professional social media is that I have two names. In the school system it started out as a direct translation of my real Chinese name but then I added a preferred name so it can be confusing at times. Sometimes I don’t know which name to use to contact my teachers. It’s difficult to pronounce my real name in English, so now I usually use my English name, and only use my real name for verification during exams. I don’t have a conflict between the two types of social media, I usually use my English name and my last initial as nicknames on my personal social media, which doesn’t reveal too much personal information about me.

I think it’s easier to say hurtful things on the internet because it’s more casual. I generally rarely comment on anything on the internet because I can’t be sure if I’m speaking in a way that could be misinterpreted as meaning I’m speaking with malice. There’s also no way to confirm if what I feel is a correct and positive comment is what others feel as well. Generally, what I comment on is very much to make sure that everyone will understand it as a positive remark, and to make sure that I don’t hurt anyone else.

Blog #1

I am Jingyi Yang, and I prefer people to call me Yoki. I’m from Beijing, China. This is my fourth year in Uvic and my 10th year in Canada. I am about to graduate at the end of this year. I’m a psychology major.

There’s no way to avoid social media in today’s online environment. He has made people’s lives favourable and unfavourable. It also adds a lot of fun. Through social media, people can see and receive new things and news from all over the world faster. Social media can also make it easier for us to learn. People no longer need to go to a specific school and sit in a classroom to learn something new. People can now just turn on their computers at home and start learning at any time that suits them. These are the things that interest me and that I like most about social media.

It’s become completely impossible to live without digital media in my personal life. Both in school and in my personal life. In school, teachers conduct lectures using PowerPoint and the first website that requires access to various lectures. In our psychology classes, many teachers will find relevant videos on Youtube to help us understand better. I really like these videos because specialized classes are quite boring and it would be more interesting if there were videos. Also, it is very important for us to use various social and digital media when we are doing group work. We use a variety of social media to connect with each other a lot of the time. If we need to have a meeting but we are in a different part of the world, we also use software like Zoom that allows us to have video and voice chat to communicate better. Digital media is even more indispensable in an individual’s daily life. We use a variety of social media to communicate with our friends on a daily basis. Many of my friends, including myself, use multiple social media outlets, such as Instagram for posting nice photos and TikTok for watching funny videos.

For me, eBooks are one of the most effective and useful digital literacy tools I’ve found. When I first started college, I preferred to use paper versions of books because I felt like I needed to use a pen and write in order to feel more like I was learning and be more focused on my studies. It wasn’t until later that I discovered electronic versions of books and some note-taking software that allowed me to write. E-books are usually available on the bookshelf of the platform where you buy them or you can just highlight and take notes. After discovering these digital media, I never used paper books again. I feel that these e-books make it more convenient for me, such as by reducing the weight of my school bag, and I can take them out anytime and anywhere for reading and reviewing. So I think the best impact digital media has had on education is that it has made teaching and learning easier.

My personal experience with PLNs was the various online classes I took in school before. Just like this class, there are no specific class times for these classes. I really like this type of class because it allows me to organize my time more conveniently and wisely. Personally, I find my schedule of classes within my major to be very intense, so I have very little time and energy to spend on and offline for electives and classes that interest me. In this course, we are also using some personal learning websites. This is the first time I have posted a blog and completed a study assignment on a personal website. I had a lot of difficulties when I first created this site, so I still want to continue to research and learn how to use PLNs better in subsequent courses.

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